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Montrose Hill Merino Stud


Montrose Hill Merino Stud was founded in 1968 in Illabarook and was established to service a commercial flock using the fine wool families from Merryville Flock 56 and its daughter studs. Extensive Al and embryo transfer programs are used today sourcing only the very best genetics to enhance production and retain micron. Stringent sound large framed sheep with excellent constitution and free growing wool in the 16-18 micron range. Wool Clip adult average 17.5 micron.
Montrose Hill Poll stud was founded in February 2016 and registered in September 2017 with the purchase of 1 ram from Pendarra Poll, semen from Yarrwonga Poll and the transfer of 140 Montrose Hill stud ewes.
Fine & Superfine Wool Merinos Flock No: 4113. Montrose Hill Poll Flock No. 1569.
Brucellosis Accredited. Approved Vaccinates.
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